These Lesser-Known Experiences In The South Belong On Your Summer ’19 Radar

It’s easy to feel a sense of wanderlust when you see all of the amazing places people are visiting around the world on social media. Na...

Jack Black accidentally creates Distracted Boyfriend meme IRL

Jack Black is a comic genius. There's no denying it. Everyone loves him. He's charming, self-deprecating and just seems like h...

Man Adopts Stray Kitten While Biking Around The World, And Now They Travel Everywhere Together

What would you do if you were biking across part of the world all by your lonesome and you heard a tiny little meow in the distance? ...

At 18 years old, he told a TEDx talk audience that he was going to develop a passive system to clean up oceans using ocean currents.

When Boyan Slat was 16 years old, he found himself coming across more plastic than fish while diving in Greece. It was then that he d...

5 Things You Know To Be True If Your Dog Runs Your Life

1. This is your sleeping situation: You're fine with it as long as you don't think about how your bed buddy totally walks ar...

Balloon Birds Caught in Their Natural Habitat

Terry Cook is a disciplinary artist that works predominantly with watercolour, but also enjoys working with acrylics, inks, balloons, r...